Current Status

Finishing my thesis for the Master’s Degree at Politecnico di Milano in Automation and Control Engineering, centered around applying reinforced learning to schedule electric vehicle charging stations to minimize cost and impact on the electric grid.

Bachelor’s Degree Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering at Valencia Polytechnic University (Universi- dad Polit ́ecnica de Valencia or UPV). At ARA (Alto Rendimiento Acad ́emico - High Performance) group, where the contents are given in english and are more advanced.

Personal and Hobbies

Dual Spanish and Venezuelan citizen, born in Caracas, Venezuela, in December 1999, moved to Spain in 2011. Studied high school in Alicante, where I started to learn about electronics. I supplemented the school program on my own, making projects at my home lab such as an electromagnetic gun, a smart toy car, and other gadgets. In addition to electronics and coding, my hobbies include sports and music, such as running, Olympic weightlifting and playing drums

Technical Skills

  • Intermediate knowledge of several programming languages: C, C++, Python and LaTeX.
  • Experience in developing embedded systems using microcontrollers from the AVR family and STM32.
  • Experience in numerical computing software and data manipulation using MathLab and Octave.
  • Experience in PCB amateur design and its corresponding software: KiCAD and Eagle.
  • Knowledge in machine learning concepts and neural networks.
  • Knowledge in Reinforced Learning concepts.
  • Daily user of GNU/Linux software.


  • Native Spanish.
  • English proficiency.
  • B1 Italian Intermediate.

Work Experience

  • Worked for the last three years as a tutor for high school students, training them for their college entry exams in physics, chemistry and mathematics.
  • Internship on a research group about Type I Diabetes. Applying clustering and other machine learning concepts to predict the blood glucose concentration in patients suffering this disease. This prediction will be integrated with other components of the research group to avoid hyper and specially hypoglycemic episodes in Type I Diabetes patients.